Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Transparent Language

Have you signed up for Transparent Language? If not, what are you waiting for? Stop by the Library and ask any staff member about signing up, the process takes less than two minutes to complete.
When signing up you will be asked to select a preferred language, the lessons associated with that language will be displayed every time you log in. Keep in mind that you will not be limited to the language you choose when you create your account, you can change your mind at any time with no fuss.
Top 5 Features of Transparent Language:
1. Access to more languages - 80 plus ESLs vs. 30 with Rosetta Stone
2. Access from any computer with internet, you can also use it on your smart phone
3. Available to more patrons*
4. Activities for every learning style - flash cards, games and more!
5. No deactivations for the duration of the contract
*Because other service branches offer language learning programs, we are only able to extend this service to Air Force active duty, reserves, Air National Guard, family members and other Air Force affiliates.*
The Library will continue to offer other language materials including Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone available in the Media Center.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rosetta Stone

If you have signed up for or are participating in the online Rosetta Stone program, please read the following information carefully.

As the Air Force is drawing down (ending) the online Rosetta Stone program we are transitioning patrons to other language learning resources such as Tell Me More, Transparent Language, Pimsleur Collections and materials that are available for check out at the Library.

If you have any questions please feel free to stop by the Circulation desk and/or call us at 623-856-7191. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Attention Readers and Patrons

Please note that any blogs, comments, links, etc posted here or on any of our social media websites - Facebook, Twitter or Blogspot - do not reflect the ideas, opinions or actions of the United States Military, Air Force, Government or of the 56th Fighter Wing.

Thank you.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Midsummer Knight's Read - Children's Summer Reading Program

A Midsummer Knight's Read begins on June 23rd @ 0900 - 1015 and runs every Thursday morning at the same time ending on July 28th.

This propgram is for children ages 3-12. Younger children are welcome to come and enjoy the entertainment, however none of the selected incentives or prizes are suitable for children younger than 3.

Week 1: The kick off will feature members of the Society of Creative Anachronism

Week 2: Puppet show by the Great Arizona Puppet Theater

Week 3: Face painting and a craft

Week 4: Story time with BG Harris followed by a craft

Week 5: Story time with Miss Q followed by a craft

Week 6: The Grand Finale includes a magic show, food, fun & prizes.

Sign ups start in mid-May, hope to see a lot of smiling faces this summer!
As always, call 623-856-7191 if you have any questions.

Adult & Teen Summer Reading Program

Read or listen to 3 books and enter to win prizes in the Adult and Teen Summer Reading Program.

Three books per entry - limit three entries per person. Please submit all entries at the Circulation Desk in the Library.

The reading program starts June 1st and runs through August 31st. If you have any questions please feel free to call the Library at (623) 856-7191

Reader's Choice - Book Discussion

May 12th is Reader's Choice, be a book critic for a day! Share your reviews or any books you have read or listened to recently or just sit and listen.

The Book Discussion will be held on May 12th @ 130PM. We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Meet the Staff - Dana Coale

Dana loves her job as a Library Technician and the fact that she is almost never bored at work. Between helping patrons at the circulation desk, Newcomer's Orientation, Craft Group, decorations and displays, online marketing, book processing and payroll she is a very busy worker bee.

The Library Family is still her favorite part of the job, patrons and co-workers keep a smile on her face and remain her motivation to continue pushing for bigger and better things.

The Craft Group is her "baby" and she is one proud Mommy :-) While the crafts vary, the goal remains the same and that is to encourage people to come to the Library and to give back to the community. Craft Group meetings are always on the last Wednesday of every month at 5PM and all are welcome. There are two Crafts for a Cause, one is to make tie blankets that are donated to the Phoenix Children's Hospital and the other is to make beanie hats for the following beneficiaries;

  • neonatal units

  • Phoenix Children's Hospital

  • Military service members deployed from Luke AFB

  • West Valley homeless shelters

If you would like to participate in any of the crafts please contact Dana at (623) 856-7191, on facebook or by e-mailing dana.coale@luke.af.mil .

Meet the Staff - Yer Wrate

Yer is our super hard working Library Aid. She shelves and shifts books, helps out at the Circulation Desk, acts as a back up for Story Time, logs mail, handles recycling and is always willing to help out with whatever needs to be done around the Library.

If you have participated in the Craft Group then you have met Yer but you may not know that without her help (and help from Kathryn) the behind the scenes planning would never come together as well as it does.

We are all extremely grateful to Yer for her hard work, dedication and easy going attitude.

Meet the Staff - Kathryn Puckett

Kathryn Puckett is a lot of things to a lot of people. She is a friendly face welcoming patrons into the Library and she is a helpful staff member who is always willing to go the extra mile for customers and co-workers.

As a Library Technician, Kathryn processes new books, movies and other materials. She helps open and close the building, register new patrons, answers general questions & telephone calls, helps train new employees and volunteers, and assists in making decorations seen throughout the Library. Kathryn is high energy, hard working and someone that we just couldn't do without. If you haven't met her yet, I encourage you to stop in and say hello.

Meet the Staff - Gloria Manalastas

Gloria is the Queen of the Circulation Desk, and yes, I say that with a smile. She is the woman to talk to about Inter-Library Loans (a great free service that the Library offers) as well as out processing through the Virtual MPF.

The Circ desk crew handles pretty much everything that our customers see...

  • Registering new patrons

  • Checking materials in or out

  • Submitting ILL (Inter-Library Loan) and purchase request forms

  • Placing items on hold

  • Contacting patrons

  • Providing outstanding customer service

  • Signing patrons up for various Library activities

  • Signing out computers to patrons

  • Fielding general questions and being the first point of contact for new and existing patrons

  • Fax and copy services

If you ever have any questions or comments please feel free to call (623)856-7191.

Meet the Staff - Dulcie Sullivan

Dulcie is probably the most beloved member of the Library family. She is intelligent and a lot of fun to be around. Patrons usually see her on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays (unless she is working a weekend). In addition to processing new books, movies, etc Dulcie is one of our go-to people for Reference questions.

Dulcie also works on boards and displays in the front of the Library and is a regular participant in the Book Discussion Group.

Whether you are looking for Reference help or just searching for general information, Dulcie is a great source of knowledge and wit. *Ask her about poetry, it is one of her favorite topics.*

Meet the Staff - Pam Lum

If you are a regular patron, chances are you have seen Pam zooming up and down the hallways; she is quite a lively character and difficult to miss. Pam is another one of our Senior Library Technicians and we are incredibly lucky to have her as a member of our Library family! Her energy and creativity are a large part of what keeps us all running.

When I asked Pam to describe her job she said;

"I get to shop! I purchase all of the Library materials and contracts needed to run the Library and support the units with mission essential resources".

Please do not let hte brief description fool you, Pam is not only in charge of acquisitions, she also works Reference, payroll AND is in charge of the Library's Book Discussion Group. Mrs. Lum is definitely a jack of all trades.

Pam would also like ot remind you all that if you have any suggestions for items that you would like to read, listen to or view please, please, please feel free to submit request/suggestion slips at the circulation desk! We are always looking for input from our patrons.

Meet the Staff - Library Director, Katie Gillen

I'm Katie Gillen, the camera shy Library Director of the Luke AFB Library. For those of you who have been to the Base Library, you know what an outstanding staff I have! One of my duties is obviously to supervise, but I also work with four different budgets (asking for money even when there is none :-) .) In addition, I teach research methods classes on how to best use both the Library's traditional resources and the online databases to find information for a quality paper or project. Once a month we have the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) class in which I teach how to look for that extra and independent information about companies.

My background as a reference librarian combined with my love of aviation comes in handy for our diverse research questions- everything from finding studies on how ejection seats affect female pilots to native foods and recipes from Nigeria. Collection development - sorting out what needs to be discarded, keeping up with new titles and topics that need to replace older materials - is ongoing, as I keep a list of hundreds, ready to spend when the money is there.

The Base Library has an Air Force Instruction (AFI) that tells us to support the mission, support off duty education and support quality of life. It's my priviledge to be a small part of the Air Force community and assist in doing all those things.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Meet the Staff - Lacey Q.

Lacey, or Miss Q, is the Senior Library Technician in charge of the McNaughton Book Program as well as the Children's Program Director. If you are not familiar with our awesome McNaughton section, they can be found on the first shelving stack on the right hand side of the main reading room and are recognizable by their green labels. McNaughton is a book rental program that allows the Library to access the newest releases and best sellers so that we can make them available to our patrons as soon as possible. The Children's Program consists of various activities ranging from Story Time three mornings a week - Baby Time Tuesdays at 930AM, Toddler Tales Wednesdays at 930AM and PreSchool Story Time Thursdays at 930AM - to TV Turn Off Week every April and even includes a yearly Summer Reading Program. TV Turn Off Week is a great program that offers incentives for teens and kids 17 & under to find fun alternatives to sitting in front of the television. Adults can also participate in a similar program. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lacey by calling either (623) 856-7191 or (623) 856-9949.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

March 30, 2011 Craft for a Cause

The staff of the Luke AFB Library would sincerely like to thank all of you who participated in our March Craft for a Cause. You truly touched our hearts by showing up to help us make blankets for the Phoenix Children's Hospital and we hope that you will mark your calendars for May and June when we will be doing more crafting for a cause.

Please stay tuned for more details....

Point of Contact for all crafts is Dana Coale, 623-856-7191, lukeafblibrary@gmail.com, or Facebook Luke Base Library.

Again, we would like to thank all of our awesome patrons who make this all possible.

February's Craft - Candle Holders

Wouldn't you know it, as soon as the camera came out we all got shy. Thanks to our Library Director, Katie Gillen for giving us all a preview of the finished products from our February Craft. We decorated candle holders and centerpiece bowls and had a lot of fun.

I promise, next time we will be more chatty!

Stay tuned for more fun crafts at the Luke AFB Library.

Please post comments and tell us what your favorite crafts are, what you would like to participate in and what you would like to see from the Library blog in the future. Your feedback is always welcome and wanted!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It Takes a Village

Many have heard and even repeated the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child"; the Library's goal is to support to Luke Air Force Base community in every way possible. Our children's programs include:

- Story Time every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30am

- Play Group every Wednesday at 10am sponsored by Family Advocacy

- Dial A Story at (623) 856-3754 offers a unique opportunity for your child to have a story read to them over the phone.

- Read To Bowl offers incentives for children to read, for every one age appropriate book read your child can turn in a short book report (forms and sign up available at the Library's circulation desk) and they will receive a voucher for one free game of bowling at the Thunderbolt Lanes.

- Summer Reading Program sign ups start in May and activities actually begin in June for ages 4-12. This free and fun program offers entertainment, crafts and reading incentives.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Crafting for a Cause

Save the date for March 30th at 5PM when the Library's Adult Craft Group will meet to make fleece tie blankets that will be donated to the Phoenix Children's Hospital.

Tie blankets require no sewing, gluing or skill so please do not let the idea of making a blanket intimidate you. If you can tie a knot (or learn to tie one) then you can participate and we need your help!

As cliche as it may sound, our children truly are our future and the importance of helping children during their time of need cannot be emphasized enough. By tying a few simple knots you show these children and their families that they are cherished. What better way to warm hearts than to give a child a warm blanket?

Please call Dana Coale at (623) 856-7191 to sign up for this worthy cause.

If you are unable to attend our March meeting we ask that you keep us in mind for our other upcoming dates. Craft for a Cause meetings will be held every three months, always on the last Wednesday of the month at 5PM.

Thank you,
Luke AFB Library Staff

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Coming soon!

This month we will kick off our "Ask the Staff" spotlight which will be featured here, on our blogspot as well as on our Facebook page (FB: Luke BaseLibrary). What questions would you like to have answered? We welcome any and all feedback.

In the meantime we hope you will stop by the Library to check out our new DVD releases which include but are not limited to Unstoppable; Toy Story 1, 2 & 3; RED; Nanny McPhee; Nanny McPhee Returns, Fringe: The Complete First Season and Heroes Season Four.

Coming soon

Friday, February 18, 2011

New Chief of Staff Reading List available now at the Luke AFB Library

For your convenience, we have listed the new Chief of Staff (CSAF) Reading List for January 2011. Some books can also be downloaded using Overdrive.com so stop by the circulation desk and sign up today for easy reading.

Available on Overdrive.com as well as for checkout at the Library

- Partners in Command: George Marshall and Dwight Eisenhower in War and Peace
940.5412 PER
- Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace...One School at a Time
371.822 MOR
- Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962 965.046 HOR
- Descent Into Chaos 954.053 RAS

Exclusively on Overdrive.com

- Lost Peace: Leadership in a Time of Horror and Hope
- Monsoon: The I ndian Ocean and the Future of American Power
- Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security and What to do About it
- Return of History
- Fighter Pilot: Memoirs of Legendary Ace Robin Olds

In order to sign up for Overdrive.com you must have a Library Account. If you already have a Library Account please call the circulation desk at (623) 856-7191 to sign up for Overdrive.com.

Thank you for your service and as always, happy reading!

NY Times Book Review - What's in Stock

The New York Times has recently re-formatted their book review listing both print and e-book best sellers in the same list. For your convenience we have only listed the books that we have in stock or that are currently on order. Some numbers may appear to be skipped but rest assured, it is not a typo, we opted to list the books with their numerical place on the NY Times Book Review list.


1. Tick Tock by James Patterson
2. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson
3. The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson
4. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest by Stieg Larsson
5. Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen
6. The Confession by John Grisham
7. Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
9. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
10. The Inner Circle by Brad Meltzer
11. Strategic Moves by Stuart Woods
12. Wild Man Creek by Robyn Carr
13. Dead or Alive by Tom Clancy and Grand Blackwood
15. Room by Emma Donoghue (book is on order)


1. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand - B Zamperini
3. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua - B Chua
4. Decision Points by George W. Bush- B Bush
6. Cleopatra by Stacy Schiff - B Cleopatra
7. The Next Decade by George Friedman - 909.831 FRI
8. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot - B Lacks
9. Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz - 636.7 HOR
10. Autobiography of Mark Twain vol. 1 by Mark Twain - B Twain
11. ___ My Dad Says by Justin Halpern - 818.602 HAL
13. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls - 362.82 WAL
15. Neptune's Inferno by James D. Hornfischer - 940.5426 HOR

Please call (623) 856-7191 with any questions and as always, happy reading!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Book Discussion Group and Special Guest Speakers

Join us this Thursday, February 10th at 1:30PM as we discuss the book Yuma Crossing 1849. We are proud to welcome David Robrock as our special guest speaker this week and hope that you will take advantage of this unique learning opportunity.

Other discussions and speaking engagements include are as follows;

March 3rd - Exploring Human Nature with guest speaker John Neinstedt

April 14th - "AZ One Book", read Hopi Summer Letters From Ethel to Maud by Carolyn Ogaby Davis for book discussion group.

Adult Craft Group.. Sign Up TODAY!

Join us for our first ever Adult Craft Group meeting on Thursday, February 24th @ 4PM! Sign up at the circulation desk, call (623) 856-7191 or RSVP on Facebook.

What better way to celebrate the changing seasons than to bring spring into your home? There are so many simple ways to change the look and feel of your personal space and for our first craft project we would like to "light up" your living room by customizing candle holders and centerpieces!
Bring glass candle holders, bowls, etc and the Library will provide the rest!
The group will meet in the lobby area at 4PM and then move to the back of the main reading room (far right hand corner by Reference) to work on crafts.
We look forward to meeting you all and seeing the creative designs you come up with!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Focus On... InterLibrary Loans (ILL)

InterLibrary Loan (ILL) services through Luke AFB Library are free. Don't you just love that word? "Free" has such a nice ring to it!

If you have never used ILL before it is a service that allows libraries to borrow books from each other so that we can better serve our patrons. Most Libraries do charge for this service but here at Luke AFB we believe in being fee free whenever possible. Through our interlibrary loan program we have access to 38,000+ library catalogues across America. Whether you need books or peer reviewed journals we have you covered.

If you choose to take advantage of this great service, please keep the following in mind;
  • You must have a library account in order to use interlibrary loan services
  • Items must be signed out and signed back in which means that you cannot leave them in the book drop
  • The due date for each item is set by the lending library so if you need to renew you must contact us at least two days prior to the due date
  • There are some items that cannot be requested such as DVDs, any other audio/visual materials
  • Books must be at least 6 months old
  • Only certain libraries will lend text books.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Best sellers in stock!

From the January 16th 2011 New York Times Book Review, here is what made the list and what we have in stock. These lists can also be found posted in the Library at the circulation desk and in the main reading room. The full Book Review can be found in the Periodicals room on the newspaper stand.

*Color Key*
Titles listed in...
GREEN are in stock
YELLOW items are on order
RED items have not been picked up.


1. What the Night Knows by Dean Koontz
2. Dead or Alive by Tom Clancy with Grant Blackwood
3. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest by Stieg Larsson
4. The Outlaws by W.E.B. Griffin and William E. Butterworth IV
5. The Confession by John Grisham
6. Cross Fire by James Patterson
7. Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell
8. Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag
9. In Too Deep by Jayne Ann Krentz
10. Freedom by Jonathan Franzen
11. The Help by Kathryn Stockett
12. Full Dark, No Stars by Stephen King
13. Hell's Corner by David Baldacci
14. Dead Zero by Stephen Hunter
15. Fall of Giants by Ken Follett
16. Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson


1. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand - B ZAMPERINI
2. Decision Points - B BUSH
3. Life by Keith Richards with James Fox
4. Cleopatra by Stacy Schiff - B CLEOPATRA
5. Autobiography of Mark Twain vol. 1 by Mark Twain - ON ORDER
6. Earth (The Book) by John Stewart - 818.602 STE
7. Decoded by Jay-Z
8. Broke by Glenn Beck and Kevin Balfe - 973.932 BEC
9. I Remember Nothing by Nora Ephron
10. ___ My Dad Says by Justin Halpern - 818.602 HAL
11. Washington by Ron Chernow - B WASHINGTON
12. ___ Finish First by Tucker Max
13. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot - B LACKS
14. The Last Boy by Jane Leavy - B MANTLE
15. America By Heart by Sarah Palin - 979.8052 PAL

Please call the circulation desk at (623) 856-7191 or stop by the Library to find out about availability as many of these books already have waiting lists. Follow us on blogspot, Facebook and Twitter for up to date information! The Book Review list will be posted here and throughout the Library weekly for your convenience.

Thank you and as always, have a wonderful week!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Chief of Staff Reading Program

The Chief of Staff Reading Program provides airmen of all ranks with a guide to further their education and expertise. The list enhances warrior ethos, and is divided into three areas; "Mission, Doctrine and Profession", "Our Nations, Our World", and "Military History". Chief of Staff Professional Reading List titles are available for checkout now at the library.

Emmott, Bill. Rivals: How the Power Struggle Between China, India, and Japan will Shape our Next Decade.

Griffith, Thomas E. MacArthur's Airman General George C. Kennedy and the War in the Southwest Pacific.

Jones, Seth. In the Graveyard of Empires: America's War in Afghanistan.

Kilcullen, David. The Accidental Guerilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One.

Kozak, Warren. LeMay: The Life and Wars of General Curtis LeMay.

Krepinevich, Andrew. 7 Deadly Scenarios: A Military Futurist Explores War in the 21st Century.

Levi, Michael. On Nuclear Terrorism.

Libicki, Martin C. Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar.

Olsen, John A. A History of Air Warfare.

Reeves, Richard. Daring Young Men: The Heroism and Triumph of the Berlin Airlift June 1948 - May 1949.

Sheehan, Neil. A fiery Peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon.

Singer, P.W. Wired for War: The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the Twenty-First Century.

Takeyh, Ray. Guardians of the Revolution: Iran and the World in the Age of the Ayatollahs.

For more information on the Chief of Staff Reading List please visit the Luke AFB Library and pick up a copy of the current Library Link... or, ask a Librarian, we are always happy to assist you with any of your information needs!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Employee Picks for January 2011

Katie - Louisa May Alcott: A Personal Biography, B - ALCOTT

Pam - The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, MCN F - LARSSON

Lacey - Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia, MCN 910.4 GIL

Dulcie - The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, 291.44 TOL

Gloria - The 4:8 Principle: The Secret to a Joy-Filled Life, 248.2 NEW

Kathryn - The Shop on Blossom Street, F - MACOMBER

Dana - Full Dark, No Stars, MCN F - KING

Yer - Pig on the Titanic: A True Story, E - CREW

Let us know what you are reading this month!