Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Midsummer Knight's Read - Children's Summer Reading Program

A Midsummer Knight's Read begins on June 23rd @ 0900 - 1015 and runs every Thursday morning at the same time ending on July 28th.

This propgram is for children ages 3-12. Younger children are welcome to come and enjoy the entertainment, however none of the selected incentives or prizes are suitable for children younger than 3.

Week 1: The kick off will feature members of the Society of Creative Anachronism

Week 2: Puppet show by the Great Arizona Puppet Theater

Week 3: Face painting and a craft

Week 4: Story time with BG Harris followed by a craft

Week 5: Story time with Miss Q followed by a craft

Week 6: The Grand Finale includes a magic show, food, fun & prizes.

Sign ups start in mid-May, hope to see a lot of smiling faces this summer!
As always, call 623-856-7191 if you have any questions.

Adult & Teen Summer Reading Program

Read or listen to 3 books and enter to win prizes in the Adult and Teen Summer Reading Program.

Three books per entry - limit three entries per person. Please submit all entries at the Circulation Desk in the Library.

The reading program starts June 1st and runs through August 31st. If you have any questions please feel free to call the Library at (623) 856-7191

Reader's Choice - Book Discussion

May 12th is Reader's Choice, be a book critic for a day! Share your reviews or any books you have read or listened to recently or just sit and listen.

The Book Discussion will be held on May 12th @ 130PM. We hope to see you there!